DEBATE: Problemas
de Overa y caminos de solución
Por Gina y Clive
Smith. Vecinos del Pilar (Overa).
Desde Overa Viva os proponemos un
interesante debate para conocer desde distintos enfoques la actual situación de
nuestra localidad. Tenemos claro que el futuro de Overa vendrá determinado por
los problemas del presente y los caminos de solución que emprendamos.
Nuestros colaboradores Gina y Clive Smith |
Son muchas
las fortalezas de nuestra Overa y en ellas hemos de apoyarnos para crear un
futuro mejor, más rico y agradable para todos. Pero será en superar nuestras
debilidades donde estará la verdadera clave de solución para conseguir un
futuro pleno de satisfacciones, de orgullo y
debate sobre los problemas actuales de
Overa y sus posibles soluciones se plantea a Gina y Clive Smithn ingleses, vecinos de El Pilar y muy interesados en todo lo referente a Overa. Con su visión ampliaremos todo lo posible este abanico de enfoques. Pero
cualquier amigo/a de Overa Viva puede hacer sus aportaciones. Enviadlas al
estas opiniones en la página de Facebook de Overa Viva y también en nuestro
Después sacaremos unas conclusiones con todas las opiniones que haremos llegar
a los medios de comunicación, administraciones, partidos políticos… Con la
ilusión de que valgan para tomar medidas que nos pongan en la senda de un
futuro mejor… EL FUTURO DE OVERA.
Y cualquier otra posibilidad que nos apuntéis…
Los Smith en la terraza de su casa..un oasis de tranquilidad |
- INFRAESTRUCTURAS.- Dentro de la necesidad de mejora de las infraestructuras destacaríamos la falta de suministro eléctrico y el exceso de cal en el agua.
- COMUNICACIONES.- Nos gustaría que la velocidad de Internet fuera mayor y que se redujera el precio de Internet y la telefonía.
Una de las vistas desde la casa de Gina y Clive en El Pilar |
- PROBLEMAS SOCIALES.- El inconveniente del idioma es un gran problema para nosotros a nuestra edad, pero aún así, estamos intentando aprender español.
- CONSERVACIÓN DE MONUMENTOS, CASAS Y CORTIJOS TRADICIONALES.- Creemos necesario tener una lista con todos los monumentos de interés cultural para que la gente pueda visitar los lugares restaurados y sitios de interés cultural.
Otra de las fantásticas vistas desde la casa de los Smith |
- TRADICIONES Y COSTUMBRES.- Creo que estas tradiciones y costumbres deberían conservarse siempre que sea posible. Nos encantaría poder formar parte de ellas e involucrarnos más, pero el idioma a veces es un problema. Para conservarlas se podrían desarrollar actividades que generen ingresos (un mercado local, el ayuntamiento podría vender algún terreno que se podría aprovechar para fomentar estas tradiciones y costumbres). Si fuera necesario, alguien podría hacer una recolecta de objetos usados para poner a la venta (juguetes, ropa, utensilios domésticos…); se podría fijar un día para que la gente los deje fuera de casa y que alguien los recoja.
- CAMBIOS DE MENTALIDAD.- Más sinceridad y transparencia en los asuntos públicos para que la gente pueda decir qué sucede a su alrededor, como por ejemplo hace este foro de Overa Viva.
- LA RELACIÓN DE OVERA CON LAS ADMINISTRACIONES PÚBLICAS.- No sabemos demasiado acerca de este tema como para dar una opinión.
- ACTITUDES A ELIMINAR PARA MEJORAR LA COMUNIDAD.- … No eliminaríamos nada, porque no estamos lo suficientemente involucrados como para saberlo.
- OTRAS CUESTIONES.- No conduzco, al igual que mucha gente de Overa, por lo que es frustrante para mí que no haya un buen servicio de transporte público entre Albox y Huércal Overa.
El rio Almanzora con agua, uno de los lugares de paseo de Gina y Clive. Foto: Ana Mª García. |
Nacimos en Inglaterra a mediados de los años 40.
Trabajé en la Venta al por menor de moda de señora.
Colaboro con la ONG; Oxfam (organización que lucha
contra la pobreza y las injusticias)
- ¿Qué lugar de Overa recuerdas
con más cariño desde que estás aquí?
El campo de Overa. Y pasear por él.
- ¿A qué lugares de Overa
llevarías a unos amigos que no la conocieran?
Les enseñaría todos los lugares de Overa.
- ¿Dónde te harías una casa para
vivir en Overa?
El Pilar. Dónde nos la construimos hace seis años.
- ¿Con cuál tradición o costumbre
de Overa te sientes más identificado?
Con todas las tradiciones de esta
- ¿Qué comida o bebida de Overa
es tu preferida?
Las tapas, especialmente las calamares, boquerones..todos los pescados. Las frutas y vegetales de Overa..y el café con leche.
Me gustaría mejoraran todas las condiciones de vida para sus habitantes como que se consiguieran reducir los niveles de cal en el agua,
una mejor conexión a internet, así como un mejor suministro eléctrico.
Un fuerte abrazo
DEBATE: Problems in Overa and Solutions
From Overa Viva, we would like to open an interesting debate in order to know the current situation of our town. We all know that the future of Overa depends on the present problems and on the way we solve them.
We should exploit all the resources of Overa in order to achieve a better and more enjoyable future. But what we really need to do is to fix our weak spots to get a comfortable, sustainable and successful future.
People from Overa and other persons related to this town are going to participate in this debate about the problems of Overa and about how can we solve them. In that way, we will have more opinions and an overview about this situation. But everybody can participate, so please send your opinion to:
This week we have the cooperation of Gina and Clive Smith, residents of El Pilar for many years ...
We will publish your answers in our Facebook page, Overa Viva, and in our blog, Then, we will inform about the coclusions to the media, civil services, political parties, etc, in order to solve the problems and get a great future for Overa.
2. DEBATE: Problems in Overa and Solutions
By Gina and Clive Smith
1. What are the infrastructure problems you find in Overa? How would you solve them? Poor electric supply ,too much lime in water supply.
2. What kind of faults do you find in communications? Ways of being resolved. Increase in internet speed and lower charges for internet and Phone.
4. What social problems do you find? How would you solve them? Language barrier is a problem for us at our age but are trying to learn.
5. What do you think about the recovery and maintenance solutions of our traditional houses, country houses and monuments? Constructive mesures you would put in practice. I would like to see a list made of any houses and monuments of historical interest so the community can look into ways of restoring places and things of interest.
6. What do you think about the present situation of the traditions and customs of Overa?
Local traditions and customs should be observed at all times when possible.
7. Suggest different ways in order to solve and conservate them .Activaties that could bring in more money ( maybe a local market, any land owned by the council sold off for development.
8. What is the mentality that determine our public and private acts? What would you change about the mentality? More openness in public affairs so people can have more say in what is happening around them. Like this forum.
9. How do you think that public institutions are influencing on Overa?
We are not in a position at this stage to know the answer to this.
10. What things would you eliminate from the customs of Overa in order to improve this town? And what do you add? I would not eliminate anything because we are not involved enough to know.
11. Please, add anyother problems you find neccesary to solve and propose different solutions. As a none driver,along with many other local people I find it very frustrating that there is not much public transport between Albox and Huercal Overa.
Thank you very much.
3. PROFILE, tastes and desires.
- Place of birth..England .
- ¿Where did you study? The name of your school. Holligwood girls.
- Political and work experience, work for a good cause... Ladies fashion retail , Oxfam charity shop.
- Personal interests. Walking in the countryside. Precerving county life and animales.old buildings and local history.
- Hobbies .Knitting sewing, any craft work.
3. And finally,
some questions:
- What was your favourite place in your childhood? Walking in the countyside.
- What place of Overa do you show to your friends if they do not know it? All of it.
- Where do you built or buy a house in Overa? El Pilar
- What is the tradition or custom do you identify with? All local tradition.
- What is your favourite food or drink of this region? Tapa, calamri, bocarones ,all fish. All local fruit and veg,café con leche
- What do you change in future in Overa? A better bus service, less lime in domestic water supply, more reliable electric supply.
Yours sincerely,
La familia Smith |
DEBATE: Problems in Overa and Solutions
From Overa Viva, we would like to open an interesting debate in order to know the current situation of our town. We all know that the future of Overa depends on the present problems and on the way we solve them.
Our collaborators Gina and Clive |
We should exploit all the resources of Overa in order to achieve a better and more enjoyable future. But what we really need to do is to fix our weak spots to get a comfortable, sustainable and successful future.
People from Overa and other persons related to this town are going to participate in this debate about the problems of Overa and about how can we solve them. In that way, we will have more opinions and an overview about this situation. But everybody can participate, so please send your opinion to:
We will publish your answers in our Facebook page, Overa Viva, and in our blog, Then, we will inform about the coclusions to the media, civil services, political parties, etc, in order to solve the problems and get a great future for Overa.
The Almanzora River with water, one of the places of Paseo de Gina and Clive. Picture Ana Mª García Díaz |
2. DEBATE: Problems in Overa and Solutions
By Gina and Clive Smith
1. What are the infrastructure problems you find in Overa? How would you solve them? Poor electric supply ,too much lime in water supply.
2. What kind of faults do you find in communications? Ways of being resolved. Increase in internet speed and lower charges for internet and Phone.
One of the sights from the house of Gina and Clive in The Pilar (OVERA) |
4. What social problems do you find? How would you solve them? Language barrier is a problem for us at our age but are trying to learn.
5. What do you think about the recovery and maintenance solutions of our traditional houses, country houses and monuments? Constructive mesures you would put in practice. I would like to see a list made of any houses and monuments of historical interest so the community can look into ways of restoring places and things of interest.
6. What do you think about the present situation of the traditions and customs of Overa?
Local traditions and customs should be observed at all times when possible.
Swimming pool in house of the Smith and Field of Overa to the bottom |
7. Suggest different ways in order to solve and conservate them .Activaties that could bring in more money ( maybe a local market, any land owned by the council sold off for development.
8. What is the mentality that determine our public and private acts? What would you change about the mentality? More openness in public affairs so people can have more say in what is happening around them. Like this forum.
9. How do you think that public institutions are influencing on Overa?
We are not in a position at this stage to know the answer to this.
Other one of fantastic conference from the house of the Smith |
10. What things would you eliminate from the customs of Overa in order to improve this town? And what do you add? I would not eliminate anything because we are not involved enough to know.
11. Please, add anyother problems you find neccesary to solve and propose different solutions. As a none driver,along with many other local people I find it very frustrating that there is not much public transport between Albox and Huercal Overa.
Thank you very much.
The Smith in the terrace of his oasis of tranquillity |
3. PROFILE, tastes and desires.
- Place of birth..
- ¿Where did you study? The name of your school. Holligwood girls.
- Political and work experience, work for a good cause... Ladies fashion retail , Oxfam charity shop.
- Personal interests. Walking in the countryside. Precerving county life and animales.old buildings and local history.
- Hobbies .Knitting sewing, any craft work.
- What was your favourite place in your childhood? Walking in the countyside.
- What place of Overa do you show to your friends if they do not know it? All of it.
Original State of the cas of Gina and Clive and his current condition |
- Where do you built or buy a house in Overa? El Pilar
- What is the tradition or custom do you identify with? All local tradition.
- What is your favourite food or drink of this region? Tapa, calamri, bocarones ,all fish. All local fruit and veg,café con leche
- What do you change in future in Overa? A better bus service, less lime in domestic water supply, more reliable electric supply.
Yours sincerely,
¡¡ very interesting !!